Quick Query Tab (Query Editor)

Develops simple queries based on a single database field, single operator, and single value.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Lists the fields from the current database table, from which you can select one to apply to the query.


Displays a list of available operators that can be applied to the query.


Specifies a value for the field that you are using to construct your query.

Look Up Values

Returns a list of all values for the specified field from the database table in the Column Values dialog box, from which you can select the value you want.

Indicate Records in Data View

Indicates records that match your search criterion in the Data View window.

Indicate Objects in Drawing

Indicates linked objects that match your search criterion in the current drawing.


Issues the finished query and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without issuing the query.


Saves the query with the current drawing.


Opens the Data View and Query Options dialog box.