Lamp Color Dialog Box

Provides settings for the lamp color for a photometric light.

PROPERTIES (Command) Find: Photometric Properties: Lamp Color >

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Color Type

In photometric mode specifies lamp color either as a CIE standard illuminant (D65 standard daylight) or as a Kelvin color temperature.

  • Standard Colors. Provides a fixed list of standard colors (spectra).
  • Kelvin Colors. Specifies a single temperature value for the color. (The color corresponds to the glow of an ideal blackbody at that temperature.) Kelvin temperature is a number in the range of 1000-20000.
Resulting Color

Shows the result of modulating the lamp color by the Filter color. A text field displays the RGB component values of the resulting color.

  • Filter Color. Provides a drop-down list for selecting a standard color or launching a standard color selection dialog box.
  • Resulting Color. Shows the resulting color of a light that is the product of the lamp color and the filter color.