Controls the coloration of point clouds.

By default, point clouds are displayed with RGB scan colors, but you can choose from a number of other stylizations.

The following prompts are displayed.

RGB Find
Stylizes each point based on the original scan colors. If no colors were captured with the scan, grayscale colors are inferred.
Object Color Find
Stylizes each point based on the point cloud object color property.
Normal Find
Stylizes each point based on the normal direction of the point based on a default color scheme that is not editable.
Intensity Find
Stylizes each point based on the laser pulse return intensity value. By default, the Spectrum color scheme, which you can customize, is applied, based on the lowest and highest intensity values in the point cloud.
Elevation Find
Stylizes each point based on its Z value. By default, the Earth color scheme, which you can customize, is applied, based on the lowest and highest elevation values in the point cloud.
Classification Find
Stylizes each point based on its standard LAS classification (as defined by the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing). Default colors, which you can edit, are assigned.
Note: Not all point clouds or scan files have all the information necessary to support these different stylizations. For example, if there is no intensity data in the attached scans, choosing Intensity will not affect the point cloud, and, in the stylization dropdown, Intensity is grayed out. If a point cloud contains some points that can be colored based on the selected style and some points that cannot, the style is applied to the points that can be stylized.