Components Tab (Drawing Properties Dialog Box)

Define drawing-specific component settings that are maintained inside the WD_M block of the drawing.

Any drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROJECT

In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Components tab.

Active drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROPERTIES

Select the Components tab.

Tag Format

Specifies the way new component tags are created. The tag consists of a minimum of two pieces of information: a family code and an alphanumeric reference number (for example, "CR" and "100" to yield a tag like CR100 or 100CR). Optionally, a component tag might contain a sheet number or some user-specified separators. If your format includes the sheet number %S parameter or the drawing number %D parameter, enter the values in the edit boxes in the Drawing Properties Drawing Settings dialog box.

Note: AutoCAD Electrical toolset provides a predefined format for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters.
Note: The %N parameter is mandatory in any component tag format you define.

Search for PLC I/O address on insert

Searches for a connected PLC I/O module's I/O point. If found, the I/O address value is substituted for the "%N" part of the default component tag.

Note: This setting is saved in the MISC_FLAGS attribute on the WD_M block of the drawing.


Enter the beginning sequential number for the drawing. Sequential tags can continue uninterrupted from one drawing to the next if you assign the same beginning sequential number to every drawing in your project. As you insert components on any drawing of the project set, AutoCAD Electrical toolset starts with the value you set and works its way up until it finds the next unused sequential number tag for the target component family.

Note: If you finish a drawing and move to the next, but then later come back to the first drawing to add another component and sequential tag, a gap appears in the numbering sequence for that drawing. Use the AutoCAD Electrical toolset Project-wide Update/Retag tool to retag the whole drawing set.

Line Reference

Set up the unique format tag suffix list. Use this list to create unique reference-based tags when multiple components of the same family are located at the same reference location (for example, three push buttons on the same line reference "101" could be labeled PB101, PB101A, and PB101B -- AutoCAD Electrical toolset does this using a suffix list of " ", "A", "B", and so on).

Note: The component tag suffix is automatically added to the end of the tag, but you can force AutoCAD Electrical toolset to insert the suffix character somewhere within the tag format. Use the Suffix position parameter, %X, in the component tag format (for example, %N%X - %F).

Suffix Setup

Displays the suffix list. The individual items in the suffix list are given in the row of edit boxes across the top of the dialog box. List suffix characters for duplicate family components on the same line reference or in the same zone (to keep tags unique). The suffix is added to the end of the component tag. To add it to the inside of the tag, use "%X" in the Tag Format. Example:

%N-%F or %N-%F%X = suffix at the end (such as 101-CRA)

%N%X-%F = add to number, before family code (such as 101A-CR)

Select from the default lists or manually enter your own suffix list in the row of edit boxes.