About Project and Drawing Properties

Use the Project Properties dialog box to define settings when creating a project. Then have the settings used for new drawings or the settings added to the project. In the Project Properties dialog box, icons indicate whether the settings apply to project settings or drawing defaults.

Properties that are saved in the project file as drawing defaults. These properties have corresponding drawing properties which control the functionality.

Properties that are saved in the project file as project settings. These properties do not have corresponding drawing properties and control the functionality for the entire project.

Use the Drawing Properties dialog box to define settings for a new or selected drawing. These settings override the project properties set in the Project Properties dialog box. If the drawing is part of a project, the project name displays in the dialog box. Otherwise, text displays indicating that the drawing is not part of a project, and drawing-related edit fields saved in the .wdp file are disabled.

You can specify settings for the project or drawing defaults, components, wire numbers, cross-references, styles, and the drawing format using either the Project Properties or Drawing Properties dialog boxes. An overview of the available options for each tab are listed in the following section.


Project settings include:

Drawing settings include:


Use this tab to:

Wire Numbers

Use this tab to:


Use this tab to:


Use this tab to:

Drawing Format

Use this tab to: