To Predefine a Search Value for Catalog Browser Lookup Mode

When you insert a component from the icon menu or edit an existing component and select catalog lookup, the Catalog Browser opens in lookup mode. If the component does not have a catalog value assigned, the program looks for a default search value for the component type. Follow these steps to set up the default search values.

  1. Determine the name and location of the catalog database for the active project.
    • If Project Manager is not active, click Project tabProject Tools panelManager. Find
    • Right-click on the project name in Project Manager and select Settings.
    • Look for the catalog database name and location.
  2. Using a database editor, open the catalog database.
  3. Open the _LISTBOX_DEF table.
  4. In a blank record in the TABLENAME field, enter the catalog database table name that you want to predefine a search string, for example, CR for control relays.
    Note: If a row exists with the TABLENAME value, edit the row. Only one row in the _LISTBOX_DEF table for each catalog database table name is supported.
  5. Enter the search text for any of the catalog fields.
  6. Repeat for each table you want to define a default search value.
  7. Save the database.