About the _LISTBOX_DEF Catalog Database Table

The purpose of the _LISTBOX_DEF table is to define a default search string used by Catalog Browser under the following circumstances:

This is helpful if you frequently use the same manufacturer or same type of components.

Here is how it works:

  1. When you select the Lookup button, the Catalog Browser determines the table name for that component and preselects that Category.
  2. If the component already has a catalog value, this value is searched and displayed in the results pane.
  3. If the component has no catalog value, Catalog Browser looks in the catalog database for the _LISTBOX_DEF table.
  4. If the table exists, Catalog Browser looks for a row with a value in the first field that matches the Category of the component.
  5. If a row is found, the values in each field are used to build up the search string.
  6. Catalog Browser performs the search and the results display in the results pane.

Values can be defined differently for each catalog lookup table. The first field defines the catalog lookup table name which corresponds to the Category on the Catalog Browser. The next fields follow the same format and order as the catalog lookup table structure. Leave the field blank if you do not want to include that field in the search.

The text you enter must exactly match existing field values in the catalog table. If a value contains a space, the Catalog Browser will use it as an exact phrase in its search and place quotes around it.

Note: Do not edit any values in the last field which is the record number.

For example, when you click Lookup on a relay coil without a catalog value, you want the Catalog Browser to search for Siemens part numbers for "600VAC" relays. Edit the catalog database file, and select the _LISTBOX_DEF table. Insert a record with these field values:

Note: The column names in the _LISTBOX_DEF table do not affect the functionality.

The next time the Catalog Browser uses the _LISTBOX_DEF for a relay coil, the dialog box opens with the search predefined and performed.


Terminals always default to the TRMS table in the catalog lookup. However, the _LISTBOX_DEF table supports 2 special TABLENAME values for terminals to make it easier when assigning a catalog to a terminal accessory or terminal jumper.