To Work With Stand-Alone Cross-Reference Symbols

Use stand-alone cross-reference symbols just as you would wire source/destination arrow symbols but without being connected to wires.

Insert Stand-Alone Cross-Reference

Insert a source reference symbol, and then tie one or more destination reference symbols to it. They can be on the same drawing or scattered across the project drawing set.

  1. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelDashed Link Line drop-downInsert Stand-Alone Cross-Referencing. Find
  2. Select the cross-reference symbol to insert.
  3. Specify the insertion point on the drawing.
  4. Specify the unique code for the source/destination pair.
  5. Enter an optional description.
  6. Note: Sheet and reference values update when the source and destination symbols are associated with the same code.
  7. Click OK.

Update Stand-Alone Cross-Reference Symbol Annotations

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Components panelModify Component Cross-Reference drop-downUpdate Stand-Alone Cross-Referencing. Find
  2. Select to update the stand-alone cross-reference symbols.
  3. Specify to update the active drawing or the project.

Create Stand-Alone Cross-Reference Symbols

Note: Stand-alone cross-reference symbols are supplied with each library set but you can create your own.
  1. Create a blank drawing file and save it following the library symbol naming conventions.
  2. Copy a .dwg file of an existing symbol to the new file.
  3. Edit and save the file.
  4. Add the file to the icon menu.