About Referencing an Existing Circuit

When a new circuit is inserted using Circuit Builder, you can reference an existing circuit picked from a list of circuits pulled from the active project. The components, values, descriptions, and tag assignments from the selected circuit, become defaults for the new circuit.

This feature can be especially useful when inserting 3-phase circuits based on existing one-line circuits. The components for each circuit element for the one-line circuit become the default for the new 3-phase circuit. The tag assignments and values are pulled across from the referenced one-line circuit. Alternately, new component tags are generated if the option “Retag new component” is selected.

Referencing an existing circuit uses xdata (AutoCAD Extended Entity Data) added on the motor or load symbol by Circuit Builder when the circuit is inserted.

Note: If there are no existing circuits in the active project that carry the VIA_WD_CB_CIRCCODE xdata, the “Reference Existing Circuit” option is disabled.

Referencing an existing circuit depends on:

Marker Block CODE values

Referencing an existing circuit depends on finding matching marker block CODE values used in both the referenced circuit and the circuit being inserted or configured. For example, a referenced one-line circuit used marker block code Q001 to trigger insertion of the main disconnecting means. The new three-line schematic circuit being inserted needs to have a marker block code Q001 marking where the three-pole disconnecting means is to be inserted. The result is that component values from the referenced circuit are applied to components in the new circuit when the marker block codes match.

Spreadsheet UI_VAL values

The default circuit element options are controlled by both the CODE value and the UI_VAL from the circuit codes sheet of the circuit builder spreadsheet. There may be multiple options for a particular CODE value. For example, the main disconnecting means may have the following options, each with a UI_VAL assigned.

Main Disconnecting Means Option UI_VAL
Disconnect switch - non-fused 2
Disconnect switch and fuses 4
Disconnect switch and fuses (time-delay) 6
Fuses 8
Fuses (time-delay) 10
Circuit Breaker 12
Circuit Breaker-thermal/inverse-time 14
Circuit Breaker-magnetic/instantaneous 16
None 0

For example, the one-line circuit used the Disconnect switch and fuses (time-delay) option with a UI_VAL of “6”. When the 3-phase circuit references this one-line circuit, the disconnecting means option with a UI_VAL of “6” becomes the default. If a matching UI_VAL is not found for a particular marker block CODE value, the default as defined by the “X” in the UI_DEF column is used.