To Work With Fan In/Out Source and Destination Markers

Add Source Markers

  1. Click Schematic tabInsert Wires/Wire Numbers panelSignal Arrows drop-downFan In Source. Find
  2. Select the style and orientation for the markers and click OK.
  3. Select the insertion point on the screen for the marker.

    The Signal-Source Code dialog box displays.

  4. Enter a source code for the marker and optionally a description. Enter a unique number/word/phrase, 32-character maximum, for AutoCAD Electrical toolset to use to link the source wire network internally to any/all destination wire networks.
  5. Select how you want to view the signal codes used so far:
    • Display drawing-wide or project-wide pick lists of all source/destination codes used so far
    • Follow the selected wire network looking for a destination arrow at the other end. If found, repeat its signal code for this new source arrow.
    • Pick on an existing wire network. AutoCAD Electrical toolset searches it for an existing destination arrow and retrieves its signal code for use on this new source arrow.
  6. Specify the arrow style to use for the destination signal.
  7. Click OK.

    The Source/Destination Signal Markers (for Fan In/Out) dialog box displays. You have a few options for inserting the matching destination marker:

    • Do not insert the matching destination marker.
    • Do not insert the matching destination marker after each source.
    • Insert the matching destination marker.
    • Automatically insert the matching destination markers for each source.
Note: If the destination wires are nearby it may be easiest to insert them right away. If they are on another drawing you can wait until later to insert them.

Add Destination Markers

  1. Click Schematic tabInsert Wires/Wire Numbers panelSignal Arrows drop-downFan Out Destination. Find
  2. Select the style and orientation for the markers and click OK.
  3. Select the wire for the destination marker.

    The Insert Destination Code dialog box displays.

  4. Enter the code or select Recent to see a list of the recent markers inserted.
  5. Specify the arrow style to use for the destination signal.
  6. Continue selecting wires until all destination markers were inserted.

Set Marker Styles and Layers

The AutoCAD Electrical toolset Fan In/Out feature relies on layering to work. You can select the default Fan In/Out marker style here along with defining the layers for the wires.

  1. Click Schematic tabOther Tools panelDrawing Properties drop-downDrawing Properties. Find
  2. In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click the Style tab.

    If you have an older drawing, you may be warned about an older version of the WD_M block. If that happens, go ahead and swap the WD_M block and try again.

  3. In the Fan-In/Out Marker Style section, set the default marker style.
  4. Define the layers for the wires. Click Add to define layer names as Fan In/Out layers.
  5. Click OK.

Define Fan-In/Out Layers

You can define a special layer or set of layers for the wires going out of a Fan In/Out Source marker and the wires coming into a Destination marker.

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelFan In/Out - Single line Layer. Find

    The list displays only layers that are already assigned as Fan In/Out Layers as defined in the drawing properties setup.

  2. Use Pick if you are not sure of the layer you want, but you have a line on your drawing on that layer. You can also use it if the layer of the line is not defined as a Fan In/Out layer and you want to add it on the fly.
  3. Select whether to make the layer current.
  4. Check the box to change the existing fan in/out lines if you want to make sure that you only change the layers of wires that are already defined as Fan In/Out wires. Otherwise AutoCAD Electrical toolset can convert any selected lines to the Fan In/Out layer.

Add Custom Fan-In/Out Marker Styles

The icon menu graphics that display for the various Fan In/Out marker styles are bitmap files saved to your C:\Program Files [(x86)]\Autodesk\AutoCAD {version}\Acade\ folder where s Fan In/Out utilities and Drawing Properties tool can access them.

  1. Create the style in AutoCAD.
  2. Zoom in to the new Fan In/Out marker style.
  3. Save the file as a bitmap using the following name definition: StylexVI.bmp and StylexVO.bmp where "x" is the fan-in/out marker style 1-9.
    Note: If the resulting bitmap is too small or off-center, open the source drawing in AutoCAD again. Resize your AutoCAD graphics window so that it is more square. Center the image and resave. Repeat until you are satisfied with the result.