Fan-In/Out - Single Line Layer Dialog Box

Define a special layer or set of layers for the wires going out of a Fan In/Out source marker and the wires coming into a destination marker.

 Command entry:  AEFANIN

Fan-In/Out Line Layers

Displays only layers that are already assigned as Fan In/Out Layers as defined in the drawing properties setup.


Picks similar fan-in/out lines from the drawing. You can use it if the layer of the line is not defined as a Fan In/Out layer and you want to add it on the fly.

Change existing wires only (no convert)

Changes only the layers of wires that are already defined as Fan In/Out wires. Otherwise AutoCAD Electrical toolset can convert any selected lines to the Fan In/Out layer.

One pick gets all connected wires

Changes all the wires to the selected layer that are associated with the selected wire network. If this option is not selected, only the selected wire changes.

Make selected layer current

Makes the selected layer the current layer.

Note: A layer defined as a wire layer should not be used as a Fan In/Out layer.