Update Title Block Dialog Box

Automates updating title block information for the current drawing or the entire project drawing set. Project and drawing specific settings are linked to one or more attributes contained in the title block.


This tool assumes that you have a border with mapped attributes using the WDT file or a mapping attribute (WD_TB) inside of the border. It specifies which attribute on the border to update with text from the Update Title Block dialog box.

Note: The labels for each Project Description Line are customized by an optional WDL file.

Select Lines to Update (Project Description Lines)

Lists project-wide LINE1 through LINExx description lines.

Select All

Selects the displayed set of project description lines

Clear All

Clears the displayed set of project description lines

Displays the first set of description lines

Displays the previous set of description lines

Displays the next set of description lines

Displays the last set of description lines, where one of the lines has a value


Saves the list of checked boxes to a file called default.wdu. The default.wdu file is saved in the user folder.

Select Lines to Update (per-drawing values)

Lists drawing-specific values.

Drawing Description

The drawing descriptions assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box. Up to three drawing descriptions can be added to a drawing. The drawing description codes DD1 (or DWGDESC), DD2 and DD3 are used for the three description lines.

Drawing Section

The drawing section code assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

Drawing Sub-section

The drawing subsection code assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.


The file name without an extension.


The file name with the appropriate extension.

Full Filename

The full file name and the path name where the file is located.


Project value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.


Installation value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.


Location value of the drawing assigned in the Drawing Properties dialog box.

Drawing (%D value)

The %D value of the drawing settings.

Sheet (%S value)

The %S value of the drawing settings.

Previous (%S value)

Sheet (%S value) value for the previous drawing in the project.

Next (%S value)

Sheet (%S value) value for the next drawing in the project.

Sheet maximum

The maximum count of drawings in the project.

Resequence sheet %S values

Renumbers the sheet number for each drawing selected to process.

Activate each drawing to process

Specifies to activate every drawing so you can update the title block lines on selected drawings in the project. This option is necessary only if there are some user-defined values that require activating the drawing.

OK Active Drawing Only

Updates the text for the selected lines on the active drawing only.

OK Project-wide

Updates the text for the selected lines on selected drawings in the project.