Insert wire connection attributes and related pin attributes.
If an X?TERMxx of the component (for example, "X2TERM01") wire connection-point attribute lies within the small trap distance of the end of a wire, then AutoCAD Electrical toolset interprets the component connected to the wire. The only time the trap distance changes is when you change the Feature Scale Multiplier in the Drawing (or Project) Properties Drawing Format dialog box.
A wire connection attribute can have a related terminal text attribute, TERMxx, and terminal description attribute, TERMDESCxx. The "xx" is a two-digit number (starting at 01) that is used to match up with the corresponding X?TERMxx wire connection attribute.
Insert connection points
This terminal style inserts both the graphic to represent the screw and the wire connection points.
It determines the direction the wire attaches to the component.
You can continue to insert wire connections until you press ENTER by entering the characters indicated in the command line prompt followed by a space. You can also select from the Direction / Style list.
TERM03: Right
Insertion Point: below TERM02
TERM04: Bottom
Insertion Point: in the lower right-hand corner
TERM05: Bottom
Insertion Point: to the left of TERM04
TERM06: Bottom
Insertion Point: to the left of TERM05
TERM07: Bottom
Insertion Point: to the left of TERM06
TERM02 : N
TERM04 : -
TERM05 : -
TERM06 : +
TERM07 : +
Your drawing looks like the following image: