Wire Numbers Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

Modify project settings for wire numbers.

 Command entry:  AEPROJECT

All information defined in this tab is saved to the project definition file as project defaults and settings

In the Project Manager, right-click on the project name and select Properties. Select the Wire Numbers tab.

Wire Number Format

Wire number tags can be sequential or reference-based.


Specifies the way new wire number tags are created. The wire number tag format must include the %N parameter that is the base sequential or reference-based value from the selection described. If your format includes the sheet number %S parameter or the drawing number %D parameter, enter the values in the edit boxes in the Drawing Properties Drawing Settings dialog box.

Note: For reference-based wire number tagging, individual items in the suffix list are applied to the wire tags to keep multiple wires in the same reference location unique. These items are added to the end of the tag, but you can force AutoCAD Electrical toolset to insert the suffix character somewhere within the tag format. Use the Suffix position parameter, %X, in the component tag format (for example, %X%N).
Note: AutoCAD Electrical toolset provides a predefined format for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters.

Search for PLC I/O address on insert

Specifies to use PLC I/O address values for wires that connect to an addressed I/O point. This setting overrides both Sequential and Reference-based tagging. New wires or wire renumbering on the current drawing show PLC I/O address-based wire numbers automatically.

Note: Like component tags, AutoCAD Electrical toolset uses the concept of a wire tag format string with replaceable parameters. The %N parameter must always be part of the wire format string. A typical format string can be just this %N parameter.


Enter the starting sequential number (alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric) for the drawing. If you enter the same starting sequential number for every drawing of your wiring diagram set, AutoCAD Electrical toolset confirms at insertion time that a new sequential wire number tag is not repeated on any other drawing.

If you set DEMO1 to 100 and DEMO2 to 200, the wire numbers on DEMO1 start at 100 and wire numbers on DEMO2 start at 200. If DEMO1 has more than 100 wire numbers it starts using wire number 200 and above. DEMO2 would begin its wire numbers where DEMO1 left off (making sure that duplicate wire numbers are not assigned).


The default is "1". Setting it to "2" with a starting sequential of "1" would yield wire numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on.

Line Reference

Sets the wire number tag suffix. This list is used to create unique reference-based wire number tags for multiple wire networks. It begins at the same reference location (such as wire network beginning at a location per line reference number, X-Y grid reference, or X-Zone reference).

Suffix Setup

Displays a suffix list. List suffix characters for wire numbers beginning on the same line reference or in the same zone (to keep wire numbers unique). Select one of the four predefined suffix lists or enter your own custom suffix list.

Wire Number Options

Based on Wire Layer

Assigns a different wire number format based on the wire layer.

Layer Setup

Overrides the default wire number format by using layer defined formats. Change the wire layer name, wire number format, starting wire sequence, and wire number suffix.

Based on Terminal Symbol Location

Specifies to use a wire number terminal on a wire network as the line reference value for calculating a reference-based wire number. For example, a wire network starts at line reference 100 and drops down and over on line reference 103. If a schematic terminal symbol carries the WIRENO attribute located on line reference 103, and this option is enabled, AutoCAD Electrical toolset calculates a reference-based wire number using 103 instead of 100. If multiple wire number terminals exist on this network, the line reference value of the upper left-most terminal is used.

Hidden on Wire Network with Terminal Displaying Wire Number

Specifies to hide the wire number automatically for a wire network that has a wire number-type terminal.

On per Wire Basis

Specifies to assign a wire number for each wire rather than the default one wire number per wire network.


If using sequential wire numbers, specifies the wire number ranges to exclude. (applied to the %N part of the wire number tag format)

Syntax is <starting>-<ending> to show range (for example 1000-1499). Multiple ranges are allowed and must be separated with a comma or semi-colon (for example, 1000-1099;2500-2599;). You can also use 2;4;6 or 2,4,6 for values not in a range.

New Wire Number Placement

Note: The Insert Wire Number tool does not take the current wire number setting (in-line, above or below) into account when updating existing wire numbers. This setting is used only when inserting new wire numbers. Use the Toggle Wire Number In-Line tool for flipping existing wire numbers among the three modes.

Above Wire

Places the wire number above the physical wire.


Places the wire number in line with the wire.

Gap Setup

Defines spacing between the wire number and the wire itself.

Below Wire

Places the wire number below the physical wire.


Specifies to insert the wire number tags in the center of each wire segment.


Specifies to insert the wire number tags the specified offset distance.

Offset Distance

Specifies a fixed, user-defined offset distance from the left or top of the first wire segment found on the wire network.


(This option is unavailable for in-line wire numbers) AutoCAD Electrical toolset places wire numbers on leaders when it determines that the wire number text bumps into something (it does not check if the leader itself overlays another object). Select the method for inserting new wire numbers as leaders: As Required, Always, or Never.

Note: This change does not affect wire numbers that are already present on the drawing.

Wire Type

Displays the Rename User Columns dialog box used for renaming User1 to User20 header columns in the Set Wire Type, Create/Edit Wire Type, and Change/Convert Wire Type dialog boxes.