To Insert Wire Color/Gauge Labels

Map wire type labels to each wire layer and insert the labels.

  1. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panelWire Number Leader drop-downWire Color/Gauge Labels. Find
  2. Click Setup to change the text size, arrow style, and layers for the label.
    • Select the layer name to add/modify the default color/gauge text string for wire labels and leaders.

      To add or modify the default color/gauge text string, select the layer name from the list in the Wire label color/gauge setup dialog box. To add new wire layer names, use the Create/Edit Wire Type dialog box.

    • Set the text size, arrow size, arrow type, and gap size for the leader.

      The label text size follows the current AutoCAD DIMTXT setting and the arrow size defaults to the current AutoCAD DIMASZ setting.

    • Specify the leader layer and text layer.
    • Click OK to apply the changes to the wire labels. The specified leader and text layers are displayed in the dialog box under the Setup button.
  3. Select how to place the label in the drawing: automatic placement by AutoCAD Electrical toolset, by picking the leader location point, or by picking the location for the text label with no leader. If you picked Auto placement, AutoCAD Electrical toolset looks for a clear spot and insert the leader/label automatically.