Drawing Format Tab (Drawing Properties Dialog Box)

Apply a drawing-specific format settings that are maintained inside the WD_M block of the drawing.

Any drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROJECT

In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Drawing Format tab.

Active drawing

 Command entry:  AEPROPERTIES

Select the Drawing Format tab.

Ladder Defaults


Specifies whether to create ladders horizontally or vertically.


Specifies the spacing between each ladder rung.

Default: insert new ladders without references

Sets the default for the Insert Ladder command. New ladders you insert do not have line reference numbering, by default.


Specifies the width of the ladder.

Multi-wire Spacing

Specifies the spacing between each wire in multi-wire phases.

Format Referencing

Specifies the default referencing system. There are three modes:

X-Y Grid

All referencing is tied to an X-Y grid system of numbers and letters along the left-hand side and top of the drawing. Set the vertical and horizontal index numbers and letters, spacing, and origin in the X-Y grid setup dialog box.


Use negative spacing values for Horizontal or Vertical if you want to change the origin of the X-Y grid system to be other than the upper left-hand corner of the drawing.

X Zones

Like X-Y Grid, but there is not a Y-axis. Set the horizontal labels, spacing, and origin on the X Zones setup dialog box.


Use a negative zone spacing value if you want the zone reference origin to be at the right side of the drawing.

Reference Numbers

Each ladder column has a column of assigned reference numbers.


Specifies how to display ladder line reference numbers - number only, numbers in a hexagon, the sheet and number values, and so on.


Feature Scale Multiplier

Sets the scale factor used when inserting new components or wire numbers on the drawing. To insert everything 25% bigger than normal, change the edit box value from 1.00 to 1.25. This change does not affect components and wire numbers that are already present on the drawing.

inch/inch scaled to mm/mm full size

Select inch if your drawing is to use library symbols from the JIC1/JIC125 libraries or mm full size for the metric scaled symbol libraries. It adjusts the wire connection trap distance that determines whether closely spaced wire ends connect or not.

Tag/Wire Number/Wire Sequence Order

Sort Order

Sets the default sort order for tagging, wire numbering, and wire sequence for the active drawing. This setting overrides the project-wide setting defined in Properties Project Settings dialog box for this drawing.



Defines and manages wire and component layers.


No matter what layer is current, wires always go to a wire layer and components to component layers.