Page Setup Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to specify pagination requirements for the report.

First Page

Specifies the requirements of the first page.


Starting row

The row at which the data starts in the first page.


Maximum number of items

The number of data rows to display before inserting a page break.

Subsequent Pages

Specifies the requirements for all other pages.


Starting row

The row at which the data starts in all pages other than the first page.


Maximum number of items

The number of data rows to display before inserting a page break.

Grouping Options

Specifies the requirements to add white space between groups of data rows.


Add empty rows between item type groups

Inserts an empty row between groups.


Number of rows to add

Specifies the number of empty rows to insert between groups.

Restore Defaults

Restores all settings to their default values.