About Exporting GOST Parts Lists (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

The GOST parts list can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In addition, you can preview the parts list in Excel before you export it.

The spreadsheet, PartsListTemplate.xls, is formatted specifically for the GOST standard. The formatting includes one or more font and text formatting styles required by the standard.

The path to the template is stored in the Windows Registry. You can check the path using the System Editor dialog box, and inspecting the value assigned to the key Acad/MPathsXlsPath. See the topic "Location of Support Files" for the default path to the Excel templates.

The version of PartsListTemplate.xls shipped with the program is in Russian. However, if you want to use the template with another language, replace it with a new template (which is in the desired language) having the same name.