AutoCAD Mechanical toolset uses xls files as templates to generate some reports. The table shows the name of the report and the corresponding xls template file.
Template File Name |
Report used for |
Comments |
AMSETUPDWGReportTemplate.xls |
Report Generated from the Setup Drawing Wizard - Review changes to be made to the current drawing step. |
The xls file has no user editable parameters. |
bom_list.xls |
BOM List |
bom+summary_list.xls |
BOM+Summary List |
detail_list.xls |
Detail List |
PartListTemplate.xls |
Template for GOST Parts Lists |
The xls file has no user editable parameters. |
summary_list.xls |
Summary List Report |
The path to the folder containing parts list files is in the system editor key Acad/MPathsXlsPath (Configuration file settings gef@Paths@Xls).
By default, the key points to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\AutoCAD Mechanical 2022\Acadm\Gen\Xls