Location of XLS Template Files (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

AutoCAD Mechanical toolset uses xls files as templates to generate some reports. The table shows the name of the report and the corresponding xls template file.

Template File Name Report used for Comments
AMSETUPDWGReportTemplate.xls Report Generated from the Setup Drawing Wizard - Review changes to be made to the current drawing step. The xls file has no user editable parameters.
bom_list.xls BOM List  
bom+summary_list.xls BOM+Summary List  
detail_list.xls Detail List  
PartListTemplate.xls Template for GOST Parts Lists The xls file has no user editable parameters.
summary_list.xls Summary List Report  

The path to the folder containing parts list files is in the system editor key Acad/MPathsXlsPath (Configuration file settings gef@Paths@Xls).

By default, the key points to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\AutoCAD Mechanical 2022\Acadm\Gen\Xls