About Hole Charts (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)


A Hole Chart is a table that lists the position and dimensions of selected holes (any circle or standard hole) in a drawing. The AMHOLECHART command creates hole charts, when you select the holes and the origin from where the position is defined. When you create a hole chart, a hole label is placed next to each hole in order to uniquely identify each hole in the hole chart. If holes are deleted, the hole chart updates automatically. However, if you draw new holes, the hole chart does not update automatically. You must explicitly add the hole to the hole chart.

The format of hole labels and hole charts is controlled by the drafting standard. Configure the drafting standard settings for hole charts before you create hole charts.

Hole Tables

The ANSI standard defines a table referred to as a hole table, in addition to a hole chart. Hole tables assigns a label for each unique size of the holes selected for the hole chart. It lists the label, the size and the number of holes of that size in the hole chart. When you create a hole chart, you are prompted to place the hole table in the drawing area as well.

Nested Hole Charts

You can also create "nested hole charts". A nested hole chart is a consolidated table of holes that belong to more than one origin.

Hole Labels

A hole label uniquely identifies a hole in a hole chart. The hole label format comes from the drawing standard.

Hole labels are derived through formulas. Hence, when you add, delete, or move holes, the hole labels automatically change based on the formula.