About Preventing Hole Labels From Changing (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

A hole label uniquely identifies a hole in a hole chart. The hole label format comes from the drawing standard.

Hole labels are derived through a formulas. The formula for the default hole label for the DIN, ISO, GB, and CSN standards are derived off the position of the hole in the sort order (referred to as the index). Hence, when you add, delete, or move holes, the hole labels automatically change.

In some cases, this behavior is not desirable. You can prevent the hole label from changing by activating the User Item Order, a sort option under Sorting Styles.

When the User Item Order is active, the formula for hole label is overriden by a "hard coded" internal algorithm. This algorithm uses a column known as the User Item (short for User Defined Item Number) instead of the index. When you add a hole to the hole chart, AutoCAD Mechanical toolset assigns a default value automatically to the User Item column from an internal counter. You can reset the internal counter to the User Item value of any existing hole. Thereafter, the auto numbering mechanism ensures that new holes follow the new internal counter value. The system ensures that the User Item numbers are unique.

The User Item order has no impact on hole labels under the ANSI, BSI, and JIS standards.