About Selecting Parts Lists (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

The Select the parts list step of the Extraction Template wizard captures the data required to recognize the parts list in the current drawing.

It captures information about the location of the parts list in relation to the drawing border. It also captures the location of the title and header rows, as well as the location of the first data row. It then converts the captured information to a set of rules and saves them to the extraction template. The BOM Migration wizard uses these rules to locate and read the parts lists of the drawings it migrates.

Note: If the header contains an empty cell, the wizard assigns a default name (Column#) in place of the text object it would have otherwise extracted. For example, if the third column in the header row is empty, it assigns the name Column3 to the text object.

If the header consists of two rows, when you click Next in the Select parts list step, the wizard displays the Parts List Style dialog box. In this dialog box, you can choose to:

You need not do anything special for extended parts list. The wizard handles them automatically without any further input from you. See Rules for parts list and extended parts list below for details.