Extraction Template Wizard - Select the Parts List - Step (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

This step specifies the location of the parts list and collects information about the title row, the header row, and the first data row.

Skip parts list migration

Prevents the wizard from attempting to extract information from parts list. You typically select this option for part drawings, and clear it for assembly drawings. When this option is selected, the wizard skips the Specify the balloon type step and the Select unique identifier step, which are unnecessary for part extraction templates (extraction templates created off part drawings).

Select parts list

Hides the wizard and enables you to specify the location of the parts list title row, header row and first data row.

Extracted text objects

Lists the column headings specified in the parts list header.


If there is no header in the parts list, this list shows the data in the first data row.

Preview box

Shows a thumbnail of the area selected for the title, the header, and the first data row of the parts list.


Enters a new name for the selected cell.


Temporarily hides the wizard and highlights the cells in the first data row that correspond to the rows selected in the Extracted text objects list.