Sorting and Filtering Settings Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to specify the sort and filter criteria for the report.



Adds an empty row to the bottom of the sort criteria table.


Removes the selected row from the sort criteria table.


Moves the selected row one level up, rendering it more significant.


Moves the selected row one level down, rendering it less significant.

  Sort Criteria Table

Sort on

Specifies the column to sort on. A drop-down list displays the columns you can sort on.



Specifies the sort order.



Adds an empty row to the bottom of the filter criteria table.


Removes the selected row from the filter criteria table.

  Filter Criteria Table


Specifies what to filter by. You can choose to filter by item type or by component property.



Specifies the component property or item type to filter on.



Specifies the comparison operation for the filter.



Specifies the value to compare the component property with.

Restore Defaults

Resets the sort and filter criteria to their default settings.