Using the Tutorial Images and Drawings

When you install AutoCAD Raster Design toolset, nine folders containing the images and drawings used in the tutorials are copied to the ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2022.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials folder on your system. Each folder corresponds to a tutorial:

Tutorial Name

Folder Name

Basic Tasks Tutorial


Scanned Drawing Cleanup Tutorial


Bitonal Image Tutorial


Hybrid Image Tutorial


Photograph and Map Tutorial


Vectorization Tutorial


Palette Manager Tutorial


Tonal Adjustment Tutorial


Text Recognition Tutorial


If these folders are not installed in the ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2022.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials folder on your system, use the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset installer to Reinstall the software and install the tutorial folders.

Create a Working Folder for the Tutorials

In order to experiment freely with the tutorial images and drawings, create a working folder on your system and copy the tutorial folders to this folder. Use these copies of the tutorial files to complete the exercises. Retain the original tutorial folders in ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2022.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials.

Even if you intend to complete only certain exercises in a tutorial, it is a good idea to copy the entire folder for that tutorial to your working folder. This ensures that you have all the drawings, images, and related files, such as correlation files, that you need to complete the exercises.