Smoothing REM Linework

Runs a series of thinning and thickening filters on the raster linework of one or more REM objects.

Note: If you are editing REM lines by trimming, extending, or other operations, you should finish all such editing before smoothing. After smoothing, you can get unpredictable results with other editing operations.

The Smooth operation applies only to the REM objects you select. By contrast, the smoothing filter available in the bitonal filters applies to the entire image. For more information, see Using Bitonal Filters.

If you made the object's linetype dashed, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset redraws a dashed line after you execute the Smooth command. If an object's linetype has not been set, the object is redrawn as continuous.

If you are working with a REM primitive, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset completely redraws the raster primitive. The linetype setting is maintained.