Using the 3D Polyline Follower

This tool interacts with raster entities and existing vectors to create AutoCAD 3D polylines.

When using the 3D Polyline Follower, you can either draw a polyline fence that intersects raster contours, or you can select an existing polyline. AutoCAD Raster Design toolset then follows the polyline, pausing at each intersection to prompt for elevation. At each such raster impact point , the follower automatically inserts a vertex and prompts you to enter elevation data. You can reference the elevation of existing vectors by using OSNAP to place the polyline vertices on these vectors. When the follower pauses at a vertex, AutoCAD Raster Design toolset uses the elevation values of the intersecting vector entity as the default value when it prompts for elevation.

At each vertex, you can take one of the following actions:

Note: To make the most efficient use of the 3D Polyline Follower, you should first adjust the settings on the VTools Follower tab on the Raster Design Options dialog box.