Feature Settings Tab (AutoCAD Raster Design Options Dialog Box)

Use this tab to configure global settings for the drawing, such as the method of locking image files, the width for the rub and crop lines, and the VTools rub setting. You can also control mouse button actions.

Locking Settings

No Locking

Choose this option only if you are not working in a network environment or if it is unlikely that two people would access the same image at the same time from a network drive.

Lock File

Choose this option if you are using a network that does not support DOS File Sharing or if you are using more than one platform on the network. This option creates a lock file that denies write access to the image file until it is closed. This file is not locked by your operating system.

With this method of file locking, if a lock file is present and your system fails, then you will have to delete the lock file manually. Lock files have an .l_k extension and the same base name as the image. Lock files are either in the same directory as the image file or in the specified lock directory.

For more information, see Locking Method for Image Files.

Note: You cannot lock files on the Internet.
OS/Network Locking

Choose this option if you are on a network that supports DOS File Sharing. This option creates a lock file that is marked as locked by your operating system or network software. This file denies write access to the image file until the file is closed. With this method, if a lock file is present and your system fails, then the lock file is released by the network when you restart your computer.

Lock File Directory

Specifies a directory to store lock files in.

Removal Method


Rubs the raster objects beneath the vector when you use Remove tools.


Deletes the raster objects beneath the vector when you use Remove tools.

Display Option On Shortcut Menu

Makes the Remove Under Existing feature available from the shortcut menu.

Rub/Crop Line Width

Specifies a line width, in AutoCAD units, to be used for rub lines and crop lines. Or, you can click Pick and then pick two points on your raster image to define the line width.

Note: You can also use the Autorub command to specify the Rub/Crop line width. For more information, see Rub and Crop Line Width.
Thumbnail Options

Instructs AutoCAD Raster Design toolset to create thumbnails of your images when you save the image. Thumbnails are displayed much more quickly in image previews than if AutoCAD Raster Design toolset has to read in the entire image file. This option only works for image formats that support thumbnails, such as TIFF, TARGA, and FLIC files. For more information, see Image Thumbnails.