Creating Another Insertion of an Image

You can insert another copy of an image when you want to use a different type of color map or make other display changes.

When you create another insertion of an AutoCAD image object (bitonal, grayscale, index color or true color), you use the same type of color map, which you can edit later.

Some of the custom image types that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset handles can use two or three different types of color maps, and the only place where these options are presented is on the Image Data view of the Image Manager toolspace, when you right-click the image data definition. If you right-click an existing color map, you can create a new image insertion using the same color map type.

When the image data definition is in single-band integer format, such as IKONOS 16-bit, a new insertion can use either a grayscale or palette color map.

When the image data definition is multispectral, a new insertion can use a grayscale, palette color, or false color map.