In this exercise you learn how to set options for vectorization tools and convert basic raster geometry into vector entities.
The Vectorization Tools settings are contained in three of the tabs on the Raster Design Options dialog box: Raster Entity Detection, VTools General, and VTools Follower.
The basic elements of any drawing include lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and polylines.
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
Access the Raster Design Options Dialog Box
This setting specifies the maximum length of a gap that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset will tolerate when following a raster polyline. It can be used to jump over labels embedded in the line or to follow non-continuous lines such as dashed lines.
This option erases the underlying raster while preserving intersecting raster data. To completely remove all raster data underneath the new entity, you would use the Rub option.
This setting overrides the AutoCAD precision for distances when creating vectors using single-pick options in vectorization tools. However, if you are manually selecting the dimensions, (multi-picking), the chosen points take precedence and the dimensions of the new entity use the AutoCAD precision.
This option causes new vector polyline entities to finish when a closed boundary or loop is encountered.
Convert a raster circle to a vector using a single pick
Verify the circle properties
This forces the new vector circle to match the labeled dimension (3.5 diameter).
The command removes the raster data below the new circle, but preserves the intersecting raster dimension lines.
Set a raster snap
This activates the raster snaps, and clears the default selections. Raster snaps select points on raster geometry in the same way an OSNAP selects points on vector geometry.
This sets the raster snaps to select a corner where two raster lines connect.
Convert a raster line to a vector using two picks
Verify the line properties
This forces the new vector line to match the labeled dimension.
This forces the new vector line to be orthogonal.
The command removes the raster information below the new line.