In this exercise, you follow along a path defined by vector, stopping along the way to enter elevations.
The 3D polyline follower differs from other followers in that it does not attempt to digitize existing raster. The decision points for this follower can be either vertices in the path or raster impact points. At each decision point, elevation information is requested. You can do this in three ways:
Access the Raster Design Options dialog box
These settings control how the new vector line is created and the default elevations used when raster contours are encountered. All vertices and raster impact points along the existing vector polyline will be used for the new 3D breakline.
Create a 3D breakline
The cursor is positioned at the right end of the polyline, waiting for you to specify an elevation.
Watch the command line to see the elevations being used by the routine. If the elevation is zero, it is a polyline vertex and you should use the interpolation option to calculate an elevation for that point. If there is an elevation displayed at the command line, the point is an intersection between raster and vector and the program is using the interval set in the options to determine the elevation at that point. You can enter known elevations at any time.
There is a new 3D polyline drawn on the current layer. If you list this polyline, you can see that each vertex has an elevation. Several of the vertices have interpolated elevations, while the rest are even elevations where the raster contours intersect the original polyline path.
The system displays the coordinates of each vertex, with elevations shown as Z values.