Horizontal baselines used in corridors can be alignments or feature lines. Some corridors can be designed entirely from a single horizontal baseline, but most require additional horizontal baselines, such as the centerlines of intersecting roads. Create these other horizontal baselines before generating the corridor if you have the design information available. Other horizontal baselines such as gutter flow lines and curb returns can be generated from the corridor design or added later in the process.
When creating alignments or feature lines to use as horizontal baselines for corridors, use a naming format that identifies the real-world reference for the baseline, such as “MapleSt - Edge_of_Pavement”. The default names such as “Alignment - 1” can get confusing as the design progresses and the number of baselines multiplies. Either name the alignment or feature line as you create it, or modify the naming template to add any standard text to the name, such as project phase.
When you create a feature line, it is not required that you specify a name for it . However, a feature line that you want to use as a baseline for a corridor must be named. Only named feature lines are displayed in the Feature Line drop-down list in the Create Corridor dialog box. You can select an unnamed feature line from the drawing by clicking
in the Create Corridor dialog box, but after selecting an unnamed feature line, the Apply Feature Line Names dialog box is displayed so you can name the feature line.