Single Vault

The simplest way to organize your projects with Autodesk Vault is to use a single vault to store all projects and their information. All team members have access to this one location; you set up access control and user names only once. A single vault keeps project data centralized and easier to manage.

Using a single vault for all projects makes sense for a small single office or teams that are connected through a local area network (LAN). Using a single vault, you reduce both your IT and project management overhead. If your organization has multiple offices connected through a wide area network (WAN), you can still employ a single vault, but with multiple sites. For more information, see Single and Multiple Sites.

However, a single vault can become unwieldy over time. As the amount of project data increases, so do the time and space required for backup and administration. As your vault grows, you may need to archive some older projects, or create a new vault for new projects.