To Add a Cant Critical Station

Add a cant critical station to a rail alignment.

To add a cant critical station in the Cant Tabular Editor

  1. In the drawing, select a rail alignment that has cant data calculated.
  2. Click Rail alignment tabModify panelCant drop-downView Tabular Editor Find.
  3. In the Cant Tabular Editor, click .
  4. The Cant Tabular Editor temporarily closes, and you are prompted to pick a station on the alignment.

    The manual station is added to the tabular editor at the specified Start Station.

To add a cant critical station in a cant view

  1. In the drawing, select a cant view.
  2. Hover over a grip. Click Add Critical Station.
  3. Pick a station along the cant view.

    The manual station is added to the cant view at the specified station.

To assign a cant critical station to a manual station

  1. In the drawing, select a rail alignment that has cant data calculated.
  2. Click Rail alignment tabModify panelCant drop-downView Tabular Editor Find.
  3. In the Cant Tabular Editor, right-click the manual stationAssign Critical Station[critical station type].
    Note: You can assign one of four critical station types to a cant critical station that has been manually added.