Show/Hide Material

You can use the Show/Hide Material dialog to remove materials from the Material list in the Feeds/Speeds And Cutting Data Tables dialog.

To display the Show/Hide Material dialog, select Features & Manufacturing tab > Materials tab > Show / Hide.

FeatureCAM comes with a long list of materials. Some of these materials might not be applicable for your shop. You can delete materials from the database, but when you upgrade to a new version, these deleted materials reappear. The solution is to hide unwanted material. When the materials database is updated, hidden materials do not reappear.

To hide or show a material:

  1. In the list in the Show/Hide Material dialog, select any material you want to show.
  2. Deselect any material you want to hide.
  3. Click OK.
Tip: Click Exclude all items to deselect all of the materials in the list or Include all items to select all of the materials in the list.