Fixture Export Options dialog

Use the Fixture Export Options dialog to specify the clamps and fixtures to export.

To use the Fixture Export Options dialog:

  1. In the Solid list, find the solids you want to export.
  2. In the Export list, select Yes next to the solids you want to export, and select No next to the solids you do not want to export.

    To select multiple solids quickly, select the solids you want to export in FeatureCAM, then click Select solids selected in the product to change the Export value for all selected solids to Yes.

    Solids which are marked as clamps in FeatureCAM have Yes selected in the Export list automatically.

  3. In the Attach to list, select the component you want to use as the fixture Attach component in VERICUT.

    To apply an Attach component to multiple solids, select an Attach component in the Attach solids selected in the list to list and click Apply.

  4. For turning parts, in the Spindle list select Main or Sub to specify the spindle.

    To specify the spindle for multiple solids, select a spindle in the Solids selected in the list are entities of list and click Apply.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.