Error codes

Note: If an error code is suffixed SE, it is a soft error. A soft error does not prevent you from running a simulation and generating NC code, but it does prevent you saving the NC code. You should not use NC code containing soft errors.



Suggested Action


Feature was unable to be decomposed.

Fix tool selection error.


Feed/speed table not found for the given operation.

Do one of:

  • Add a new feed/speed table.
  • Override the feeds and speeds.
  • Select a different tool.


Feed/Speed table not found for the given operation. This error indicates that a BRIGHT tool material table could have been used but was unable to find it.

Do one of:

  • Add a new feed/speed table.
  • Override the feeds and speeds.
  • Select a different tool.


Feeds and speeds were not computed because a tool was not available.

Fix tool selection error.


Successive moves on the same line

Check feature curve.


Feature curve cannot end inside stock boundary

Look at boundaries or feature curve.


Geometric error while computing turning offsets.

Check to see if the curve has any unnecessarily small segments.


Tool insert is too large to cut curve cleanly.

Change selected tool


Unable to determine area to be machined.

Check feature curve or stock curve.


The Feature's curve Start point or End point is in the stock material.

Move the Start point or End point.


Unable to determine area to be machined.

Check feature curve or stock curve.


Unable to cut in the specified direction.

Cut in a different direction.


Illegal value for cut depth.

Check depth feature parameter.


First infeed is too small

Check threading parameters.


Second infeed is too small

Check threading parameters.


Memory overflow

Contact Technical Support.


Depth is smaller than infeed

Check threading parameters.


Check retract/engage angles and depth

Change parameters


Tool undefined

Change tool.


Illegal value of engage or withdraw angle

Change parameters.


Illegal tool shape

Adjust tool.


Tool wider than slot

Change tool.


Slot deeper than max tool depth

Change tool or slot parameters.


Unable to verify, check path

Check feature curve.


Check tool diameter value

Check tooling parameters.


Check zstep value

Check feature parameters.


Library error

Check that the tool being used is not too big, or that the curvature of the edge is not smaller than the tool being used.


Bad surface(s)

Try to fix the bad surfaces by right-clicking on them and selecting Fix Face from the context menu; or remove them from the Surface feature.


Tool not found for standard drilling operation

Do one of:

  • Copy a drilling tool from another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for drilling operation before ream.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for spotdrilling operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for reaming operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for tapping operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Countersink tool not found for chamfer operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for countersink operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for counterbore operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for slotting operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Selected tool not valid for slotting operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found and unable to create a custom tool for boring operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for zigzag operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Endmill tool not found for profile milling operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Selected tool not valid for profile chamfering operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Tool not found for profile rounding operation.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.


Unchamfered Face Mill tool selected for chamfer operation.

Select a chamfered Face Mill tool or a Chamfer Mill tool.


Tool not found for profile milling operation during decomposition of the feature.

Do one of:

  • Copy a tool from drilling operation another crib.
  • Create a tool.
  • Override with another tool.
  • Select a different crib.
  • Modify feature.