Because only one stage is displayed at a time, an error may occur in another stage in the document, but does not appear in the operation sheet currently displayed.
A single problem often results in multiple errors. When multiple errors occur, you should fix the tooling errors and regenerate the toolpaths. In many cases, the other errors are resolved.
Warnings are also shown in the operation sheet, but do not prevent FeatureCAM from continuing to generate toolpaths. FeatureCAM does not draw attention to the warnings it gives because the tool path generation was successful.
Manufacturing errors occur when
FeatureCAM is unable to complete the toolpath generation for a part. When an error occurs, you cannot run any simulation, post to NC code, or save NC code. Errors are displayed between lines of asterisks (*) in the
Operation Details sheet listed after the operation in which the error occurred. Errors are displayed in the
Op List tab with a red exclamation point
icon in the left margin and warnings are marked with exclamation point on a yellow triangle
If an error is detected during toolpath generation, the Code generation failed dialog is displayed.
If you click Yes in this dialog, the first error in the operations list is highlighted. If you click No, the errors still appear in the operations list, but you must explicitly ask to step through the errors by clicking Next Error.
If an error occurs during toolpath generation, three error buttons display in a separate toolbar in the left-hand corner of the window to enable you to read and fix the errors. The buttons perform the following functions:
Selects the next error in the operations list.
Selects the previous error in the operations list.
Provides options for fixing the error that is selected.
If you click Hint while an error is selected in the Manufacturing Operations Sheet, a series of dialogs appears to help you fix the error.