About coordinate systems

There are two types of coordinate systems in FeatureCAM: User Coordinate Systems, and Setups.

User Coordinate Systems (UCS)

User Coordinate Systems are coordinate systems that you can use for modeling your part, such as for drawing geometry, surfaces, and solids.

User Coordinate Systems have an origin, X direction, Y direction, and Z direction.


Setups are created from UCSs, and contain additional information such as the fixture ID and the name of the NC program that are generated. Each feature belongs to a Setup.

Each Setup has an associated UCS. For example, if you create a Setup called Setup2, an associated UCS is also created called UCS_Setup2. When the Setup is moved, the associated UCS is also moved.

Setups are used as the part origin (0, 0, 0) on the machine and in the NC code. Manufacturing Features are positioned in relation to the Setup origin.

The origin and coordinate system for each NC part program is determined by the Setup. When you Save NC code, the part program and manufacturing documentation is generated and saved for all Setups of your part.