Stock Model Settings dialog

You can use the Stock Model Settings dialog to edit the settings that affect how the stock model is used with the feature.

To display the Stock Model Settings dialog, click Stock Model Options on the Milling tab of the Milling Feature Properties dialog.

Stock model rest roughing

These attributes apply to the rough operation.

Expand area by — Enter a value to expand rest areas by the specified distance (measured along the surface). A negative value reduces the size of rest areas.

Detect material thicker than — Enter a threshold value. FeatureCAM ignores rest material that is thinner than the specified threshold.

Minimum gap length — Enter the gap length, which controls fragmentation by replacing gaps shorter than this distance with a toolpath segment. A large value reduces fragmentation, but increases the length of the toolpath that is not cutting material. A small value produces shorter toolpaths, but increases the number of toolpath lifts.

Stock model engagement for finishing

These attributes apply to the finish operation. They reduce tool wear, improve surface finish, and stop the tool engaging with the material excessively.

Machine stock only — Select this option to limit the toolpaths to areas where a minimum amount of stock is being removed from the stock model.

Detect material thicker than — Enter a threshold value. FeatureCAM ignores rest material that is thinner than the specified threshold.

Minimum length removed — Enter a threshold value. FeatureCAM ignores toolpath portions that are shorter than this.

Use depth of cut — Select this option to limit the depth of cut to the value you enter.