Creating a Slot feature

  1. Click the Features step in the Steps panel.

    This displays the New Feature wizard.

  2. Select Slot and click Next to open the New Feature - Dimensions page.

  3. If a dimension field has a blue label, you can click it and 'pick' the dimension from objects in the graphics window.
    • Simple — This option simplifies the manufacturing strategy for the feature. Select this option to machine the feature by making a single pass down the center of it with a tool whose diameter is equal to the width of the feature.
    • Length — Enter the X dimension of the feature.
    • Width — Enter the Y dimension of the feature.
    • Depth — Enter the distance cut into the material in Z.
    • Chamfer — Optionally enter the depth of a 45 chamfer cut at the top edge of the feature. Leave this value at the default, 0, for no chamfer.
    • Bottom radius — Optionally set a bottom radius for the feature. The radius corresponds to the shape of the cutter. By default, the material is milled using a flat-bottomed mill, making stair-step passes when close to the radius. Then a rough and finishing pass is made with the radiused mill. The default value is 0, which cuts a square corner.
    • Draft angle — Optionally set an angle for the feature wall. Use only positive numbers.
  4. Click Next to open the New Feature - Location page and set the location of the center of the left corner arc of the feature.
  5. Click Next to open the New Feature - Strategies page.
  6. Click Next to open the New Feature - Operations page.
  7. Click Next to open the New Feature - Default Tool page for the first operation.
  8. Click Next to open the New Feature - Feed/Speed page for the first operation.
  9. If you have more than one operation, clicking Next opens the New Feature - Default Tool page for the next operation. If you have no more operations, clicking Next opens the New Feature - Summary page.
  10. Click Finish to create the feature and exit the wizard or click Back to return to previous pages.

You can edit the feature later.