Options > Posting > Milling

This page controls the type of CNC machine that FeatureCAM targets for NC output.

CNC File — Displays the file path of the post-processor file. Click Browse to find and choose a different post-processor file.

Edit — This opens the post processor, XBUILD, for the current CNC file.

Defaults — Click this button to return all the options to their default values.

Min Arc — This defines the limit for any arc whose radius is transferred to the CNC machine as a line. Arcs greater than this limit are sent as arcs.

Max Arc — This defines the maximum arc radius. Arcs greater than this limit are translated into lines.

Block Start — This sets the starting line number for your CNC programs.

Block Increment — This sets the increment between line numbers in your CNC programs. Refer to Hole macros for more information about setting up macros.

Output Units — This specifies which units the NC code will be posted in, and may be different from the units used in the part file.

Disable Macros — This turns off macro generation for the NC code. This option is not available for all posts. Refer to Hole macros for more information about setting up macros.

Macro call for single hole — If deselected, the generation of a macro call will be skipped if only a single hole is being drilled

Enable Cut Comp — This enables output of cutter compensation NC code.

Enable 3D Cut Comp — This enables the output of 3D cutter comp settings when posting NC code.

Force segment start for each operation — Enable this option to force a Segment Start format for each operation. You can also set this option to ON or OFF in XBUILD in the General Information dialog.

Non-Modal Decel. override — This is an optional setting for the G-code for overriding the automatic deceleration of a control.

Tool Change Location — This is the point where the tip of the tool moves to prior to a tool change.