MS Access shared network database

The shared network database is provided as an empty MDB format database, created by Microsoft Access and accessed using the Microsoft Jet database driver.

The database must be set up properly before it can be used:

  1. Establish a location on your network for the database and copy a blank database from the FeatureCAM folder to that location.
  2. Fill the database with default tooling and feed/speed information. Do this by running INITDB on any computer that has access to the database and point INITDB to the database.
  3. Set the location of the database for each user using the Browse button during installation, or after installation on the File > Database page of the Options dialog.

To set up a network database on a 64-bit machine:

  1. Download the 32-bit Microsoft Access Database driver from internet. The 32-bit driver must be used on both 32 and 64-bit machines.
  2. If a 64-bit driver is already installed on the machine (for example, if you have 64-bit MS Office installed), you must uninstall it.
    Note: Uninstalling the 64-bit driver and installing the 32-bit driver, could break 64-bit MS Access.
  3. Install the 32-bit driver you downloaded in step 1.
  4. Open the folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
  5. Find and run the file odbcad32.exe. The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog is displayed.
  6. Click Add on the User DSN tab. The Create New Data Source dialog is displayed.
  7. Scroll down, select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb) and click Finish. The ODBC Text Setup dialog is displayed.
  8. For the Data Source Name option, enter MS Access Database and click OK. The database is displayed in the list of User Data Sources on the User DSN tab.
  9. Restart FeatureCAM.
Note: Network database configuration is user-based. If there are multiple users on the machine, each user must go through the process above and configure it.