New Feature - Hole Recognition Options

This page lets you control the feature recognition process and select which of the recognized holes to keep. To complete this page:

  1. Optionally select Include partial holes.
    • If you want to recognize only holes with 360 cross-sections, deselect Include partial holes. This option typically recognizes all the holes in your model.
    • Partial hole features are recognized from pieces of cylinders. This includes holes that have been partially cut away or corners pockets, for example:

      If you want to recognize holes from these surfaces, select Include partial holes.

  2. Next determine if you would like to ignore blind holes that are on the opposite of the part. Select Exclude hidden holes to turn on this option.
  3. Note: This option is available only if your part model is a solid model.
  4. You can also create patterns and/or groups.
    • If holes with identical dimensions are recognized and you want to create patterns for these holes, select Merge holes of the same parameters into a pattern. By creating a pattern, you can later edit the whole pattern in a single dialog.
    • If you would like to create a group of all of the holes select Add all new holes into a group if there is more than one.
  5. All of the recognized holes are highlighted in thick lines. You must select which of these holes you would like to keep.
    • If you want to keep all of the recognized holes, click Select all and click Finish.
    • If you want only some of the recognized holes, select the holes in the graphics window and click Finish.