Offset page

Offset method — This controls whether the offsetting of the wire path is performed on the machine using cutter compensation or by FeatureCAM. Select Cutter comp to perform the offsetting on the machine, or Offset Toolpath if you want FeatureCAM to perform the offsetting.

Total passes — Enter the total number of passes to take to cut the feature. If a feature has a Retract, Stop, or Cutoff operation these operations are each performed Total Passes - Contour Passes. If a feature has a Contour operation, Total Passes must be at least 2. Total Passes must be between 1 and 9.

Contour passes — This is the number of passes to take for the Contour operation for a Retract, Stop, or Contour operation.

Uni-directional — Applies to Contour, Stop, Retract, and Cutoff operations that use the Offset Method of Cutter Comp.

For multiple passes, the cutting direction for each following pass is not reversed and all passes take place in the defined direction. At the end of each pass the wire is cut and the machine re-positions to the start point for the next pass.

Uses Macro if available

Applies to Contour, Stop, Retract and Cutoff operations that use the Offset Method of Cutter Comp. Available for 2-axis features only.

This option activates the automatic creation of sub-programs for the machining of operations. You must define the format and output of sub-programs in the post processor. The use of sub-programs is useful when producing chain programs. In this case, each machining contour is written to a separate sub-program. The main calling program then contains only the movements required to move to the next start point.

For multiple pass, if the Uni-Directional option is enabled then only a single macro is output containing a single pass.

Total stock — This is the default for the total stock feature attribute.

Contour stock — This the default for the contour stock attribute.

Stepover — This is the default attribute for the stepover feature attribute. This default attribute is specified as a percentage of the wire diameter. This parameter defines the stepover between passes for Cutoff, Stop, Retract, and Contour operations.

Cut all operations on each curve first — For features with multiple curves, enable this option to do all operations on each curve before moving on to the next curve. If the option is disabled, the first operation is done on all curves, then the next operation, and so on.

Cut the first pass on each curve first — For features with multiple curves, select this option to cut all the passes for one curve before moving on to the next curve.

Leave allowance is the amount of material to leave after the Retract, Cutoff, Stop, and Contour operations.

— Leave allowance

— Contour stock

— Total stock

Note: A negative Leave allowance acts as an overcut.