Mult. rough diameters

Enter a list of roughing tool diameters separated by commas, to enable multiple Rough passes.

Note: The last diameter is also used for the Finish pass. If you want the system to select the tool for the final roughing pass, enter the last diameter as 0.

The system works down the list to the finish tool. One way is to let the system pick the tooling initially, then set up your diameter list to work gradually toward the last value. For example, if the system recommends a 0.125 inch endmill, enter 1.0, 0.5, 0.

By default, FeatureCAM creates one roughing and one finish pass for all of the milled features. If you use multiple roughing tools, FeatureCAM cuts all the parts of a feature that it is capable of cutting with the larger tool, and cuts only the remaining portions of the feature with the smaller tool. You do not have to manually create these separate regions. FeatureCAM automatically calculates them for you.

For cutting Pocket or Boss features, FeatureCAM automatically selects a single tool diameter for roughing and finishing. For a large feature with small corner diameters, this method results in a small tool cutting the middle of the pocket and wastes time. A better strategy uses a larger tool for the wide areas and a smaller tool for the tight corners.