Creating a Boss feature

  1. Click the Features step in the Steps panel.

    This displays the New Feature wizard.

  2. Select Boss and click Next to open the New Feature - Curves page.
  3. Select the curve that represents the shape of the feature. The curve you select controls the shape of the Boss feature.
  4. Note: If you have multiple features at the same height, you can create them as one feature by selecting multiple curves.
  5. Click Next to open the New Feature - Location page.
  6. Click Next to open the New Feature - Dimensions page.
  7. If a dimension field has a blue label, you can click it and 'pick' the dimension from objects in the graphics window.
    • Enter the Height of the boss. This sets the overall height of the boss.
    • Bottom Radius — Optionally set a bottom radius for the feature. The radius corresponds to the shape of the cutter. By default, the material is milled using a flat-bottomed mill, making stair-step passes when close to the radius. Then a rough and finishing pass is made with the radiused mill. The default value is 0, which cuts a square corner.
    • Draft angle — Optionally set an angle for the feature wall. Use only positive numbers.
    • Chamfer — Optionally enter the depth of a 45 chamfer cut at the top edge of the feature. Leave this value at the default, 0, for no chamfer.
  8. Click Next to open the New Feature - Strategies page.
  9. Click Next to open the New Feature - Operations page.
  10. Click Next to open the New Feature - Default Tool page for the first operation.
  11. Click Next to open the New Feature - Feed/Speed page for the first operation.
  12. Click Next to open the New Feature - Coolant page for the first operation.
  13. If you have more than one operation, clicking Next opens the New Feature - Default Tool page for the next operation. If you have no more operations, clicking Next opens the New Feature - Summary page.
  14. Click Finish to create the feature and exit the wizard or click Back to return to previous pages.
Note: You can edit the feature later.

By default, a boss uses the stock boundary as the outer extent of the feature. To bound the extent of the boss cut:

  1. After you have created the feature, open the Feature Properties dialog and click the Dimensions tab.
  2. Click the Stock curve button. Select the name of the curve you want to use as the outer extent of the boss.
  3. Note: If Stock Boundary is selected, it indicates that the stock boundary is used as the outer extent. The stock boundary is automatically used as the outside extent of the boss only when the current UCS is parallel to one of the block faces. If your UCS is not parallel to a stock face, boss features need to include a stock curve with them.
  4. If you want the wall of your feature to have a special cross section, click the X Section button to open a dialog to select the curve that matches your cross-section shape.
  5. Click OK.