Multiple Plunge points and Start points

You can use a curve to specify multiple Plunge points or Start points for an operation.

To specify multiple plunge or start points:

  1. Create lines with end-points on the locations you want to use as the plunge or start points.
  2. Chain the lines into a curve.
  3. In the Feature Properties dialog, in the Plunge tab, select your curve as the Plunge points or Start Point attribute, for example:


This is a single Slot feature created from multiple curves:

The pre-drill points specified by FeatureCAM are at the edges of the slots:

To change the pre-drill location for all the slots, create a curve that touches the center of each slot, and select this curve as the Plunge points option in the Plunge tab of the Feature Properties dialog.

The tool now pre-drills at the center of each slot instead of at the edge: