Thread Mill

The Thread Mill feature mills a thread on an inner diameter (ID) or on an outer diameter (OD).

ID Thread Feature

OD Thread Feature

- Pitch

- Minor Diameter

- Thread Length

- Thread Height

- Pitch

- Major Diameter

- Thread Length

- Thread Height

FeatureCAM follows this process to create a single Thread Mill feature:

  1. An appropriate tool is selected. The tool selected by default has:
    • the same pitch as the thread.
    • the internal/external classification matches the feature.
    • an overall length greater than the thread length.
  2. Note: If the thread is tapered, the tool must have the same taper.
    Note: A tool with a longer cutter length is preferred.
  3. Using the Feed/Speed tables, calculates feeds and speeds based on the stock material being machined.
  4. The tool then ramps onto the feature according to the attributes.
  5. The tool spirals either up or down the feature depending on the setting of Feed Dir. Cutter compensation is used on the toolpaths if cutter comp is turned on. Both of these settings are found on the Strategy page.
  6. Note: The overlap between revolutions is controlled by the Tooth overlap attribute.

    Thread feature

    Tool revolution 1

    Tool revolution 2

    Tooth overlap

  7. The tool then ramps out. This move is controlled by the same attributes as the ramp in.