Work with 3D Assets in your Layout

Place Factory assets to build on your 3D layout.

Previous steps: Open Inventor Factory Browsers | Next steps: Edit Inventor Factory Properties

Add the Robot 7th Axis Asset to your Layout

  1. Navigate to the Favorites folder in the Factory Asset Browser.

  1. Click the icon to refresh the assets in the list to include any recent changes.
  2. Click and drag the Robot 7th Axis into the layout near the riser. The connectors built into the asset should easily snap to one another.
  3. Click on the layout to place the asset.
  4. Right click and select Done to finish the commend.

Add More Robots to the Layout

Note: The steps in this section are similar to the steps you completed in the section Add the Robot 7th Axis Asset to your Layout.
  1. Navigate to the Favorites folder in the Factory Asset Browser.

  1. Click the icon to refresh the assets in the list to include any recent changes.
  2. Click and drag two copies of the IRB6600_225_225 robot into the layout near the riser, as shown in the image. The connectors built into the assets should easily snap to one another.
  3. Click on the layout to place the asset.
  4. Right click and select Done to finish the command.

Note: If you chose not to add these assets to Favorites, you can search for assets in the Asset Browser Search field.

Place Conveyor Assets onto the Layout

  1. In the Factory Asset Browser, navigate to the Roller Conveyors directory > Factory Assets > System Assets > Conveyor > Roller.

  1. Place two Straight Roller Conveyors as shown in the following image. The orientation triad appears when you click to place the asset.
  2. Use the appropriate axis of the triad to move or rotate the asset into position.
  3. Right click and select Done to complete the placement.

  1. Change the orientation of your layout by selecting the corner of the View Cube.

  1. Place a Horizontal Curve Roller Conveyor and another Straight Roller Conveyor onto your layout.

Click the Next steps link below to continue.

Previous steps: Open Inventor Factory Browsers | Next steps: Edit Inventor Factory Properties

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